When things feel heavy, put them down.

When things feel heavy, put them down.

A woman is slumped in front of her laptop with her face in her hands.

I invite you to take a deep breath in. Pause. Then blow it out.


Things have been heavy lately.

The news out of Ukraine, and particularly out of towns like Bucha, has been horrific and horrifying. The proof that humans can be that inhumane toward others is gutting.

In addition, I am still concerned about my sweetheart’s health. Tomorrow, he has a procedure to zap his heart back into sinus rhythm (we hope), and then in a couple weeks we will find out if his heart muscle has recovered enough to be okay, or whether he will need a defibrillator.

Things are heavy.

So yesterday and Monday, I put them all down. My body insisted on it, and I listened.

Instead of trying to push through, I rested. Instead of trying to force words to come, I was silent.

Because when things feel heavy, it is more than okay to put them down.

Here’s a visualization that might help you if things are feeling heavy. It’s something I came up with last night, when the rain woke me up.

I wanted to rid myself of some of the heaviness and heavy energy I’ve been carrying. So I visualized it as something that could be pulled, like yarn or thread. I visualized pulling the heavy energy out of my body and balling it up outside myself. Then I visualized myself casting that ball into the light.

This morning, I woke up with more energy than I’ve had in the past few days. And I knew I was meant to share today’s message with you.

I hope it helps.

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