Permission to step into your whole self.


Feel stuck? Maybe even lost?

Wondering how your life ended up so different than you’d dreamed?

Want to get in touch with who you really are now? Make some changes? Find a better path that brings you more joy?

Maybe want a bit of a push to get your life on the upswing?

You are in the right place—that’s exactly what Actually, I Can is all about!

Kelly Ramsdell

I believe in:


raising your vibration

the Universe


that if you can dream it, you can do it



putting your own oxygen mask on first

the power of love

learning to set boundaries


that “actually, I can”

and so can you.

Our Office —
P.O. Box 861
Williamstown, NJ 08094

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Photo Copyright Kelly Ramsdell 2020

Intro by our founder

I’m Kelly Ramsdell. I’m a life coach, a consultant, an author, and a public speaker. I’m also an intuitive energy worker who incorporates feng shui and Reiki into my world. I am a projector in human design, and I own my gift of being able to sense your energy and help you focus it in ways that will help you to succeed.

My core belief is that when you focus on what you want, it will come into your life.

My passion is helping people who identify as female to get unstuck, tap into their dreams, and map a course to get there. I do this through one-to-one coaching and consulting.

I believe that you deserve life that brings you joy and pleasure. Maybe you want to make a move, like a new creative outlet, new place to live, new partner, or new career. Or maybe you want to take your current life and make it more delightful, more magical.

Stop sleeping on your dreams and spreading your energy thin. Start dreaming big, aligning your energy, and manifesting the life you want to live!

What we do here

Those of us who identify as female can get boxed in by the many roles we play in life—such as parent, partner, empty nester, employee, caregiver, and more. Add to those the other boxes we might tick, such as queer, trans, non-gendered, disabled, autistic, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, etc. and all the baggage that can come along with those things and we can find ourselves feeling compressed into ever smaller packages.

Then there are those curveballs thrown at us by changes in employment, perimenopause (SO much bigger of a deal than people make it out to be!), being post-menopause or dealing with hormonal issues, health challenges (yours or someone else’s), and the other things that can and do go wrong around us . . . Well, it’s no wonder that we find ourselves feeling penned in and wondering how we got there, and what to do next.

If you are anything like me, you have tried all the energetic “tricks” to manifest new things in your life: dream boards, gratitude journals, and all the other tips in books like The Secret and others, but you just can’t get the results you want.

I’ve got you. There is more to it than appears on the surface, and wishes alone won’t usually get you where you want to go. You need to spend time to dream about the life you want, but you also need to take aligned action to get where you want to go.

Actually I Can is all about giving you the tools to bust yourself out of whatever box you find yourself in. It’s about leaving your comfort zone, quieting that inner critic that’s holding you back, and finding your true place in the world using life coaching and other programs.

I want to help you figure out your personal vision for your life—whether that is digging up a desire you buried along the way, or figuring out where you are now and where you want to go. Uncover your dream, figure out your goals, then map your way toward what you want.

If you’d like to book a free, no-pressure connection call with me, you can do that RIGHT HERE. Just let me know that you are interested using the contact form, and I will happily set up a free 30-minute connection call so that you can get to know me a bit more and we can both discover whether you and I are a good fit to work together to help you manifest the life of your dreams.

To get our Future You guided visualization and journaling pagesCLICK HERE.


Hey! Kelly here. I’m happy to tell you that I’m currently 60 years old, post-menopausal, and disabled due to rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I choose happiness every damn day, and I’m a perennial optimist. Being miserable about things just makes my disabilities much worse!

I’m a ridiculously happy wife to Morris (third time is the charm!—and yes that means I’ve been divorced twice). I’m a proud mama to two amazing adult women who constantly inspire me as they live their lives out loud on their terms. And I’m a doting cat-mama to Kismet, our feisty calico kitty.

In my time, I’ve been a music major (voice), a retail manager, an assistant controller for a steel company, a commercial litigation attorney, an author, a poet, and an artist. All of that is true, but it tells you nothing about who I am, right?

Let’s try these things: I absolutely adore my husband, my kids, and my cat. I love colors and cannot pick a favorite, energy work (feng shui, essential oils, tarot cards, gemstones, Reiki, salt baths & more), shopping for greeting cards and soap (it’s an issue—my husband will vouch for this), and using my skills to help other folks figure things out.

I love teaching what I know, and also learning new things. (I’m Hermione Granger, if she were a Ravenclaw). I rely on daily meditation and sleeping nekkid with my husband to keep me grounded.

And I’m super glad you’re here.

Kelly has had articles published in the following places: