Life moves pretty fast.

Life moves pretty fast.

Today’s post title, “life moves pretty fast,” is a line from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, though I rather expect it’s a common enough phrase separate and apart from that movie.

I posted last week’s blog post (“You cannot pour from an empty cup”), and promptly lost all motivation to pour anything. Instead of hustling to fill the spots in my ALL IS CALM holiday program (which is 100% awesome, by the way), I found I didn’t want to hustle. Not at all. Not even a little bit.

It’s probably not what most people think of when they think of life coming at you fast, but truly . . . here I was, all set to be active online and talk about my programs, and instead I found I didn’t want to be online or talking much at all.

Maybe it was my ongoing head cold. Or maybe it’s just December.

As it turns out, life might move pretty fast, but when December comes, I start moving slowly.

As I started doing my year-end review, I realized that (yet again), I don’t especially like being super busy in December. It’s got little to nothing to do with the holidays, but appears to be a seasonal thing based on the increasingly shortened days and a serious desire to go within.

To seek peace and calm and quiet.

If this is you, too, then please know that I see you.

For me, I’ve noticed a tendency from about the third week in November until the end of December to want to hustle less, not more. I might enjoy an occasional outing to pick something up at the store, but the holiday hustle and bustle isn’t really my jam anymore.

I’d like less forced cheer and bustle, and more actual contentment and calm.

So instead of contributing to the noise and going full Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday/Holiday Sale mode, I’m sitting quietly over here in my corner of the internet. It doesn’t mean I don’t have things available—I’ve got 1:1 coaching happening, and am offering my coaching programs.

Empress of Your Own Life exists to give you tools that let you quiet negative self-talk so you can move ahead in life without the voice in your head shrieking at you to stop because _______ (fill in your abusive, negative self-talk here).

Aligned Alchemy lets you work with the four elements of fire, water, earth and air to get your entire self (mind, body, beliefs and actions) into alignment so that you stop self-sabotaging and allow yourself to move toward easy manifestation of your goals. I’ll help you with Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), Third Thoughts, and more to help you get out of your own way and start manifesting the life you want.

And, since I am looking forward to the Solstice, and to the planet tilting once more toward the light, I will be putting together a Darkness Into Light Solstice Experience, which will be a pay what you can endeavor. (Watch this space.)

If you are also noticing that you are moving more slowly, or wish that you could, may I suggest the following?

  • More rest. Which includes breaks or naps during the day, and more sleep at night or on the weekends where you can. Our bodies are being given cues by nature to slow down, eat carbs (yes, really), and get more sleep at this time of year (at least if you are in the Northern Hemisphere). It’s okay to honor the season and slow the fuck down.

  • More connection. This is a great season for connecting or re-connecting with yourself and with your loved ones. That could mean more time spent looking within, instead of numbing out by watching TV or scrolling through social media. Or more time spent daydreaming or journaling. Or more time reaching out for connection with others if that’s what you crave. (This can be a lonely time of year, but you don’t have to allow it.)

  • More coziness, calm and quiet to balance out the loudness of the holiday noise. Hit mute on the commercials. Do the things you want to do for the holidays, and then stop. Allow enough to be enough, and don’t feel you need to keep doing more. Embrace the idea of hygge and hunker down a couple nights a week to enjoy the feeling of coziness.

  • Less “have to”, more “want to.” If you use what you want to do as a guide, and drop the stuff that you feel you “have to” do for any reason, you might find yourself in a better frame of mind.

Darkness Into Light Solstice Event

Darkness Into Light Solstice Event

You cannot pour from an empty cup.

You cannot pour from an empty cup.