Spring cleaning and decluttering

Spring cleaning and decluttering

It’s spring! At least, it’s officially spring, regardless of what the weather may be up to.

Unless you live in the southern hemisphere, in which case IT’S FALL!

Either way, the change of season is the perfect time to do some seasonal cleaning and clearing.

A woman carrying a broom and cleaning supplies pauses on the stairs.

Spring cleaning can be as simple as wiping down your surfaces (windows, floors, counters and more) and cleaning the bathrooms. But it’s the perfect time of year to spend a bit more time with your process.

Here are some of the suggested cleaning projects to do twice a year, as the seasons shift:

  • Wipe down the baseboards in your rooms

  • Switch over clothing from winter to summer (or vice versa)

  • Go through your clothes and get rid of any you haven’t worn in a year. Don’t forget the clothes that are stored in places that are not your bedroom, such as coat closets or other rooms.

  • Clean out the fridge and kitchen cupboards. Get rid of things that are expired or spoiled. Also create a bag or two to donate if you have unexpired pantry goods that you no longer want.

  • Go through your linen closet and bathroom vanity. Assess what you have and what you need to purchase or replace.

Now cleanse the energy in your space

Don’t settle for cleaning the rooms and closets. In addition to doing seasonal cleaning, clear or cleanse the energy in your space.

One of the simplest ways to get started clearing the energy of your living space is to open the windows to let fresh air in. Literally sweep the stale air out of your house.

But just as dust can accumulate in the corners and around the edges of your rooms, so can energy. I think of them as energetic dust bunnies.

Just as we shed hair and skin cells in our spaces (yuck!), we shed energy as well. That can include both the good stuff, and the bad.

If you have a bad day or an argument, you can feel the mood or energy drop inside your space. If you have a good day, you might feel the energy or mood rise inside the space.

If you share your space with others, you may notice how jarring it can be when there is a mismatch of energy or moods. If you are in a quiet mood and your partner bursts in loudly (whether happy or not), you can almost feel the energies collide.

Each of those moods and energies leaves a slight echo or energy behind. Over time, it tends to gather in corners and other spaces that don’t have proper energy flow.

There are plenty of ways to re-establish proper energy flow.

  • The first and most important thing is to set the intention to get the energy in your space circulating properly.

  • You can use smoke, such as incense or palo santo or herb bundles (including sage—though I tend to avoid white sage because it is threatened, and is sacred to many indigenous peoples).

  • You can use sound. Things like clapping your hands into the corners, ringing bells, or even blasting your happy tunes.

  • You can use light. That includes turning on all the lights, opening the curtains or blinds, and/or lighting candles.

I’ve written a booklet for you that explains how and why to do it, and you can get it for free here.

Clearing the energy in your space leaves your home feeling fresh and clear.

It’s the perfect thing to do as the seasons change, or after cleaning a room in your house. It’s also a good thing to do after someone has been ill in your home, or after an argument (to clear that lingering yang energy out and re-establish proper balance).

Rocks are balanced atop one another to indicate balance.
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