Modeling good behavior.

Modeling good behavior.

Albert Schweitzer reportedly said, “The three most important ways to lead people are: …by example, …by example, …by example.”

Which is why I am taking this week off at the last minute.

My sweet Morris has been having some heart issues, which require two different cardiology appointments this week. I am scheduled for an endoscopy on Friday to make sure I don’t have more adenoma in my duodenum (and to remove it if any is there so it doesn’t have time to turn into cancer).

Between the general condition of the world and the specific condition of my own home situation, I am short on energy, and long on exhaustion.

So I am doing exactly what I would urge you to do if you find yourself in my shoes: Take the week off. Don’t apologize for needing the time. Don’t beat yourself up for not being a superhero.

The world will likely keep on spinning just fine anyhow, and you will return with better energy once you’ve had some space and time to rest and process.

See you next week!

Regaining your balance when life throws you a curve ball

Regaining your balance when life throws you a curve ball

I am once again asking you to take care of yourself

I am once again asking you to take care of yourself