"But I don't have time."

Here’s part of an exchange I recently had with one of the women doing accountability coaching with me.

At least three walks and one online class or stationary bike session. Hoping you got out in the nice weather!

The three walks plus one other thing was one of her weekly goals. I was following up to see how it went. Her response? Nope. Didn’t happen. She was too tired, and too busy.

Which I get. We’ve all been there, right?

It is why I give up meditating now and again.

Too busy. Too tired. Don’t have time.

Or why I skip exercising.

Because I have other things to do, and I want to skip straight to that. Or because I don’t feel like it.

If you have habits or practices that you do (or aspire to do) in order to help yourself feel better, whether it’s meditation, exercise, journaling, gratitude practice, prayer, inspirational reading (whether that is spiritual in nature or otherwise), then you are probably familiar with the “but I don’t have time” thing.

Here’s the truth:

The times when you feel you don't have the time to exercise (or meditate, or journal, etc.) are the times when those would help you a lot. Perhaps even the most.

The little voice inside our heads that drives us to "go and go and go, stay busy, keep moving, be productive" is an asshole.

And it lies.

It's part of the same voice that whispers criticism at us about worthiness, talent, etc.

It likes for you to stay stuck, to stay small.

It wants you to stay so wound up that you end up spinning in place.

Taking that walk, or sitting on the patio in the sun, or sitting to doodle or do a zen tangle, or whatever it is that feels like space and time away from "the work", always pays you back by allowing you to come at things with clear eyes and (often) a new/better perspective.

Don't let that asshole voice win.

In early February, I ran my first-ever Dream It, Do It workshops. I believed they would be powerful, and the feedback I’m receiving from the women who attended proves that to be the case.

One of the women is in the process of beginning her master’s degree—something she decided to go for because of the life-changing nature of her Dream It, Do It experience. Another not only decided to create a schedule to support her in her writing, and is making headway with that.

Yet another decided to create a garden after the guided visualization showed her a future surrounded by plants and flowers she had grown; moreover, she continues to visit her future self and is also learning more about plants so that she can create her own botanical products in the future. One of the women experienced an oasis of such calm and peace during her visualization that she finds herself less reactive when dealing with her children on a daily basis; she takes a pause, connects to that future vision, and pulls that calm knowing back into her future.

If you are interested in shifting your energy and in finding your own inner knowing, I hope you will join me for one of the next sessions of the Dream It, Do It workshop. I am offering a Friday evening option on April 30th from 6-9 pm EDT, and a Saturday afternoon option on May 1st from 1-4 pm EDT (your time of day may vary, depending on where you live). This three-hour experience includes a powerful guided visualization, guided journaling, the start of an energized vision board using energetic tools, and some inspired goal-setting at the close of the workshop to help you take the first few steps toward your dream future.

Sound good? The cost for the three-hour workshop is just $97 per person. There’s also a VIP option for $247 that includes both the workshop and three months of accountability coaching with me.

"If you can dream it, you can do it."

"If you can dream it, you can do it."

My words fly up

My words fly up