And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"

And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"

If you are anything like me, then every so often, you find yourself in the midst of a Talking Heads song without notice.

Maybe you are just “letting the days go by,” or maybe you find yourself behind the wheel of large automobile. Maybe you look around one day and realize this is not your beautiful house, or your beautiful wife (or partner). Maybe you start to wonder “where does that highway go to?”

And you may ask yourself "Am I right, am I wrong?"
And you may say to yourself, "My God, what have I done?"

I’m pretty sure these sorts of feelings arrive for all of us at different times in life.

It came for me in my mid-twenties, as I was working as an Inventory Coordinator at a metals company. The next step in that corporate setting would have been Controller, so I had applied for and begun taking master’s level courses to get an Masters in Accounting.

One day, I looked at my life, and at what I was doing, and wondered what on earth? How did I get here? I never wanted to be an accountant. Never once. So I chose a different path, and entered law school.

This pattern would play out again and again, me getting onto a path, then allowing the currents to carry me where they wanted, only for me to find that I’d drifted so far off course that I didn’t know myself anymore.

Having just finished Spare by Prince Harry, I can see where that played out for him and for his wife, Meghan. Reading his memoir, you can see where he drifted along, as well as where he made decisions and took action.

I suspect that if you and I were in conversation, you’d be able to tell me where in your own life this has happened for you. Where you raised your head one day and wondered how you’d gotten here. Where did I leave the pieces of myself? Is this all there is? How did I get here? How did I let so many days (weeks, months, years) go by?

It’s time to call yourself home.

No more “letting the days go by.” No more waiting around for something to happen. No more “killing time.”

Because at the end of all that, I am sorry to say, is your own funeral.

Don’t get caught waiting for your life to start, or for something to happen to put you on a new path. You have the power, today, to make your life amazing. Maybe not all at once. Maybe it won’t always feel good (change never does).

But you have to power to dream. The power to decide what you want your life to look like. The power to make one small step each day toward that life.

And me? I’m here to help you. To be of service to you as you figure out who you are now, what you want next, and how to make a start towards your own amazing life.

I’m a life coach and energy worker. I use practical skills developed through a myriad of life experiences. I then interweave those with healing energetic practices, some of which (like clairsentience) are innate, and some of which (like reiki or energy clearing/protection) have been learned.

Stop holding yourself back. Stop putting yourself down.

Whether you want to learn self-kindness and stop beating yourself up (as in my Empress of Your Own Life) program, or remove your own internal blocks that slow or stop your progress with your life goals (Aligned Alchemy), I have tested, proven tools to help you.

Or perhaps you need one-on-one coaching to sort things through. I offer pay-as-you-go coaching for that reason. Whether you want help solving a problem, or you want guidance as you work things through, I’m here to support you. Let me know how I can help.

In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.

In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.

And dance by the light of the moon

And dance by the light of the moon