7/7 journal entry

7/7 journal entry

Today, I’m focusing on a lot of energy work. I’ve got a neurobreathwork session at 1, and a sound bath at 7. I’ve already done yoga and meditated (twice). And, of course, I journaled.

Because I am a person who journals every day.

Making that an actual decision the other day turns out to have made a cellular difference in my body. I don’t feel like I have to journal, or that I should journal. I am just a person who journals every day, and so I do it without any heaviness or baggage attached.

How liberating.

Today’s journal entry included a description of a meditative practice I did yesterday. At first, I wondered why I was bothering to write it down, since it smacked of a “dear diary” type of entry. You know what I mean: “Dear diary, yesterday I _______”.

But then it came to me that this process was important because it’s something I want to explore further, and possibly to offer to my own clients and community down the road. So I journaled all about that, too.

Today is the 7/7 portal

It has to do with the presence and position of Sirius (the Dog Star) in the sky. Sirius has been identified and recognized for centuries. Millenia, even. And lots of people consider it our second sun—a compass point to our true selves. (Pretty sure this energetic portal closes today, and has been open since July 2nd.) So perhaps all my calling toward energy work today makes more sense, under the circumstances.

What new habit are you building? And how is that going so far?

If you are working on building a new habit—having an orgasm every day, or talking to your plants, or engaging in 10 minutes of reading a book each day—I’d love to know what you’re up to. And how it’s going. And whether you need any help or support with it.

Feel free to drop it in the comments here, if you want. Or better yet, sign up for this ongoing project. I’ll be posting about it pretty much daily until August 21st.

Sirius, the Dog Star, is seen in the night sky.
7-11 journal entry: including downloads in your journal

7-11 journal entry: including downloads in your journal

July 6th journal entry

July 6th journal entry