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Séance: Angel Cards with Andrew Barker of Tarot With Andrew

You are invited . . .

I will be hosting my first séance (a term used for a sit-down that includes communication from the spirit realm) on Wednesday, April 9th, from 8-9:30 pm with Andrew Barker. Andrew is a tarot and angel card reader, a psychic who helps others with their psychic development and an energy healer. I am delighted that I get to call him my friend, as well. We met over Instagram (yes, I know—I actually make good friends over social media!) and met in person last year at an Abraham Hicks function. Are we not the cutest?

I must confess that I don’t even know the names of all the angels, let alone what their functions are. But Andrew? Andrew knows this stuff cold. AND he is an amazing card reader. Last year, I booked an angelic tableau reading with him, and it was SPECTACULAR. It is an 18-card reading that Andrew developed himself in consultation with his spirit guides and the angels. And it offers so much insight!

Needless to say, I am excited to learn more about the angels from Andrew. He has said that he became attuned to the angels after (abusively, imo) being told to “pray the gay away”—the angels wrapped their wings around him and told him he was loved for who he is. (Can I get an amen?)

Since this is a séance and not a workshop, Andrew will be pulling angel cards for various participants, offering them the guidance that the angels (through the cards) hold for them at this point in time. He will not be doing an angelic tableau reading, but I know you can book one on his website for $77.77 (on sale).

Energetic exchange for this séance is $55. Attendance is limited to 13 people to allow everyone time to ask a question and get a card reading. This will be recorded, so you can submit your question in advance if you are unable to attend live.