What to do when the world feels too loud.

What to do when the world feels too loud.

It has gotten exceedingly loud lately.

If you are in the United States, then you are well aware that 2020 is an election year, and there is a TON of election noise starting already, from ads on TV to debates to news commentary. Plus we are in the midst of the third (ever) presidential impeachment, which has made things get loud and ugly; definitely on TV, and for some people, in person as well. Plus the current administration tried to start a war with Iran, so there is the controversy surrounding that decision, and the fallout of an airplane crash and troops being deployed.

If you are in the UK, you are still dealing with Brexit. In Australia, it’s catastrophic climate change and the fallout (and threat of more) widespread fires. EVERYWHERE, there are widespread, serious issues, and that’s just on the global level.

We have local issues, too. And personal ones. Like the stomach virus that turned up for me over the weekend. Or dealing with any sickness, an ailing loved one, a mental health issue, or a death in the family. We all have stuff, and it all contributes to the noise.

It can be completely overwhelming.

But here’s the thing: it’s up to you to regulate your intake of any and all of this stuff. You do not have to watch or listen to the news if it is too upsetting or overwhelming to you. It won’t make you a better or happier person if you do. It won’t change any of the stories we find ourselves living among just now.

If you need time away from it all, take it. If you need to establish boundaries with those around you in order to protect yourself, your emotions, your mental health, and/or your energy, it is fine for you to do so. You cannot pour from an empty cup, so taking care of yourself is important.

You have permission to step away from all that noise.

You have permission to:

  • turn off the news, or reduce your intake

  • reduce your time on social media if it stresses you out

  • unfollow social media accounts that are too negative for you

  • reduce your contact with negative individuals in your life by setting boundaries

  • put yourself on time out if you need it

  • take a mental health day

  • say no to things you don’t want to do (even if you already said yes)

It is 100% okay for you to take a break. It is okay for you to need time out, or time off. It is okay for you to prioritize your self-care. If you need permission for any of that, this is your permission slip.

If you need help in figuring out how to set boundaries or how to deal with the current noise of current events so you can focus on the life you want for yourself, please get in touch. We can set up a free discovery call to see whether one-on-one coaching is right for you.

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