Today is the Lion's Gate portal: what it means

Today is the Lion's Gate portal: what it means

Today is August 8th, and —like every August 8th—it is the peak of the Lion’s Gate portal, which opens at the start of Leo season and peaks on the 8th when Sirius (the Dog Star) rises above the horizon in the northern hemisphere.

Today is a great day to manifest good things in your life. Partly, it’s because the number 8 when turned sideways looks like the infinity symbol (∞), which symbolizes infinite resources and abundance.

Let’s talk about manifesting.

Manifesting is a term that gets thrown around a lot. What does it mean, though? And how do you do it?

I see manifesting as a two-part process. There’s the energetic component, which comes first, and then the practical component, which requires movement.

The energetic stuff

The first step in manifesting is getting clear on what it is that you want, then asking the Universe for it.

While you can use what you definitely DON’T want as a guide to help you figure out what you DO want, once you’ve figured out what you want, you have to hold that vision and intention for yourself, then ask the Universe for it.

How do you ask the Universe?

Well, if you are a person who prays, and those prayers include asking God or some higher being for something that you want, then that counts. You can say it out loud, or you can write down what it is that you want, either in a journal or on a piece of paper.

Some people then burn that paper outside, letting the energy fly up toward the Universe. Some people put the paper in a jar or box that they check now and again to see if their wishes have come true.

I personally believe that saying your desire out loud or writing it down is an important step in the manifestation process, since the mere action of speaking or writing it into the world is an act of manifesting: you have taken an idea that was only inside your mind, and made it REAL in the world in which you live.

The trick is to hold the idea of what you want, while also not feeling desperate for the thing. Because desperation comes from fear that you won’t get the thing, and you are then actually sabotaging yourself.

The aligned action part.

The second part of manifesting is the aligned action part.

You do not have to take huge steps daily. You do not have to push, since that isn’t going to help the Universe with its delivery.

You just have to take incremental steps toward your goal.

Say your goal was to manifest the perfect apartment to live in. If you just ask the Universe to provide you with your dream apartment, it is possible that it will drop in your lap.

But if you were to take aligned actions, those might include: looking at apartments in the area you want to live in; telling friends or coworkers that you are looking for an apartment, so they can let you know if they hear about something opening up that might be your thing; decluttering your current space to get rid of the stuff that you aren’t planning on taking to your new apartment. Maybe it means making a vision board full of the vibes you hope to feel in your new place, or creating a Pinterest board of what you want it to look and feel like.

You can see how those actions might lead more quickly to finding the ideal apartment. And also, how those actions let the Universe know that you are ready to co-create your future.

What should you do to manifest during the Lion’s Gate portal?

  1. Figure out what it is that you want.

  2. Say it aloud or write it down.

  3. Figure out small actionable things you can do to make a start in the direction of your dream.

  4. Take one small step.

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