To sleep, perchance to dream.

To sleep, perchance to dream.

On Sunday morning, I woke up singing “economic freedom” as a song. The line was from my dream, and was the chorus of something that was somewhere between a Schoolhouse Rock song and a piece from a musical, with characters singing “economic freedom! ECONOMIC FREEDOM!” on a rising sort of vocal line.

I’ll be happy to sing it for you if you’d like, since it is still ringing inside my head.

In my dream, it arose just after a portion of the dream where I got an intuitive hit of an image that alerted me that either I needed a Coke, or it was going to rain, or both. (It turned out it meant both, and the rain caught others off-guard.) There may or may not have been spies involved, though I was with Morris and we were on our way back out of whatever place we were in.

Here’s the thing.

It was 100% my brain trying to synthesize a whole bunch of stuff that has been going on.

For one thing, I’ve been tapping into my intuition quite a bit lately. Leaning into the parts of me that sometimes get messages from other realms, and the parts that intuitively know what’s going on. For another, I’ve been working hard on some money mindset stuff, dropping limiting beliefs that have existed for most or all of my lifetime, some of which are inherited from past generations.

Turns out that the “leaning into intuition” part made itself known in the dream with a vision that resulted in me ordering a soft drink and watching the rain start to fall, and the “dropping limiting beliefs about money” part was in song, in a way that was specifically designed by my brain for me to remember it.

I don’t know about you, but if you put something to music, I will for sure remember it. Whether it’s the ABCs or the Greek alphabet or the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution or the “Rex Tremendae” from Verdi’s Requiem or “Baby Got Back”, songs and song lyrics take up a lot of storage space in my brain. But I digress.

All of the components in my dream make sense and connect to things that have been occurring in my day-to-day life, from the book I just started (The Woman All Spies Fear by Amy Butler Greenfield) to the gifts I got from my daughter Maggie on her return from the UK (including a bag from Shakespeare’s school in Stratford-on-Avon) to the energy work that I’ve been undertaking.

Speaking of Shakespeare . . . The title of this post is from Hamlet’s most famous soliloquy, “To be or not to be, that is the question.”

When dreams start to get super bright or, in the case of this latest one of mine, super loud, it’s time to pay attention to them. To see what messages your subconscious is trying to pull to your attention.

My latest dream was super loud, making certain that I would remember that “economic freedom” was the message I needed to remember, to hear, and to repeat.

The key feelings that I am seeking in leaving behind money blocks and other limiting beliefs is a sense of well-being, abundance, and (yes) freedom. The idea of economic freedom is at the core of it all.

For instance, economic freedom would mean I had no economic limitations, right? From that position, I would be able to create a lot of positive ripples in this here world of ours, from helping my daughters to achieve economic freedom to helping to elect officials who are working toward that idea for others in society.

I’d like to be able to help those who are working to reduce and eliminate hunger in the U.S. and in the world more than I already do with my charitable contributions, since eliminating hunger has been one of my interests since 1982, when I became involved in that cause in college. I’d like, too, to be able to help more women advance in our world, whether it’s in the professional or personal arena. It’s one of the reasons I coach those who identify as women and nonbinary—because we are not yet deemed equal, and that’s just not fair.

So for the next little while, I will be focusing my personal energy on economic freedom. And on whatever other messages my subconscious and my spirit guides want to send my way.

Tell me, what dreams have been coming to you? I’d love for you to leave a comment and let me know.

If your dreams are something you really want to take action on, please know that I can help. It’s legit what I do, whether it’s holiday dreams or bigger life goals, or making sure that you follow through on your promises to yourself.

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