Perfectionism isn't worth your time

Perfectionism isn't worth your time

As a life coach, I see it all the time: people are waiting until the timing is just right, or their thing is “perfect”, before getting started on what they want to do or launch.

I’ve even seen it among other coaches: Women who have a phenomenal service to offer the world, but who aren’t offering it at all because their website isn’t perfect, or they don’t have the perfect images or words to describe what they do.

They want all their ducks in a row before they take a first step toward their dreams and goals, and they keep finding more ducks.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but perfectionism is paralysis.

Perfectionism is just procrastination in a fancy outfit.png

I’ve been working my way through Jen Sincero’s latest book, Badass Habits, and her quote about perfectionism jumped right out at me: “Perfectionism is just procrastination in a fancy outfit.”

First off, there is no such thing as perfect. Which means that we all should settle for “good enough.”

Secondly, if you are delaying one or more things in life until everything is lined up perfectly, you are never going to get those things.

Maybe you are waiting until the perfect time to tell someone something important—like that you love them, or that actually, it’s not okay if they trample your boundaries. Only it never seems to be the right time.

Maybe you want to go back to school to learn something new, or you want to start a business or take up a new hobby or craft, and you are waiting until you have more time. Or until you do more research.

I’m not one to speak in absolutes, but I’m absolutely certain that there will always be more you can do to prepare for anything and everything you want in life, and that there will never be a “perfect” time for you to do the thing.

The only moment we have for certain is NOW.

Why not start today? Figure out the first small step you can take toward your dreams and goals. Then take it.

Want help with this?

That is precisely what Dream It, Do It is all about.

Come together in community with other women, where the power of intention is amplified. During the three-hour online workshop, you will identify your dreams and set at least one goal to help you achieve it. We will all take the journey together, but each of us will be heading toward our own destination. You will finish the workshop with a roadmap to help you make a start in the direction of your dreams, a clear vision of where you are headed, and a vision board to help you keep that dream front and center. The workshops take place this coming weekend—your choice of Friday, February 5th from 6-9 p.m. ET or Saturday, February 6th from 1-4 p.m. ET. REGISTRATION CLOSES FRIDAY AT NOON, ET.

If you want to make certain that you take the steps you’ve mapped out, sign up for the VIP option. It includes the workshop plus three months of one-on-one accountability coaching with me. It’s an economical way to “test drive” working with me, since you get weekly accountability emails plus three 20-minute coaching calls with me to ensure that you are on track. It’s just $247 for the workshop plus three months of coaching.

If you are struggling right now, you aren't alone

If you are struggling right now, you aren't alone

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