Let's talk about sex, baby . . . to help you sleep
And yes, of course that was a Salt-N-Pepa reference in the post title.
Why sex at bedtime is a good idea
First off, every sleep expert everywhere will tell you that your bedroom should be used for just sleeping and sex. Just like the routine or ritual of reading before bed can send a message to you that it’s about time to go to sleep, limiting your bedroom to sex and sleep helps you to associate the room with those things. That sends a cue to your brain when you enter the room at night that sleep or sex is about to happen.
Sex helps you to bond with your partner, of course, not just emotionally, but also chemically. Sexual activity—or even skin-to-skin cuddling—boosts oxytocin, which is a hormone that makes you feel connected to your partner. In addition, sex lowers cortisol, a stress-related hormone.
If you are feeling tense, you probably already know that having an orgasm can help you unwind. That is because an orgasm triggers the body to release a hormone called prolactin, which leaves you relaxed and ready to sleep. If you don’t have a partner or partnered sex isn’t a viable option for you for any reason, then you might skip past the oxytocin, but you still get the benefit of prolactin and reduced cortisol if you take care of things yourself.
Image from Toa Heftiba
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