Join the Falling for Fall Challenge!

Join the Falling for Fall Challenge!

This 5-day challenge is all about noticing what is around us, right now. To slow ourselves down for just a few minutes each day, and to appreciate the small joys that autumn brings. It starts on Tuesday, October 6th and runs until Saturday, October 10th.

Falling for fall.png

Participate from anywhere in the world. Free! No cost. A gift from me…to you.

Are you feeling disconnected or a bit down? Has 2020 started to weigh you down? Then the Falling for Fall Challenge is for you. Do it in community with others, even if they are strangers on the internet. Get your mother, your sister, your friends, and your kids to join you. (It’s totally suitable for family participation.)

If you want to participate, sign up using the link below!

Here’s what’s happening during this Challenge:

  • Daily emails with a brief, mindful “assignment”,

  • Short, daily Facebook/Instagram lives to get you focused and grounded, and

  • A five-day “bingo” challenge. 

By the end of this Challenge, you will feel grounded, and hopefully a bit more relaxed. If you are managed to get "bingo" in the Falling for Fall Challenge, you will be eligible to win one of three Starbucks gift cards, so you can enjoy a PSL (pumpkin spice latte) or other fall beverage as my gift!

Wondering about the time commitment? To do this Challenge, all you need is about 20 minutes per day. I’ve designed this Falling for Fall Challenge to be really simple and un-complicated. Beautiful results from very little time.

When: October 6 - October 10, 2020

Where: Anywhere in the world! It’s an online thing.

Cost: About 20 minutes a day. This is my gift to you.

You will love how this feels. Sign up and let’s do this.

What you can do right now to make things better for yourself

What you can do right now to make things better for yourself

What You Need to Do If You Feel Overwhelmed

What You Need to Do If You Feel Overwhelmed