It's been a week, friends

It's been a week, friends

My dad died last Sunday.

He was 83 years old, and out on the golf course on a perfect spring day, playing golf with his buddies. As mom and I learned a few days ago from dad’s golf partner that day, my dad legit just dropped dead, without even making a sound.

It is, of course, the biggest shock for those of us he left behind, but also, it’s the biggest blessing. Nothing drawn-out. No incapacity. Just here one minute, gone the next while doing his favorite thing in his favorite place in the world.

All of which is to say that last week sort of got lost with me having to travel to be with mom and help with things. And this week is still rocky.

I am learning lots of things during this time period—like how much laughter can be found during a period of mourning, and how cathartic it is to cry (or laugh hard), and about friendship and dealing with relatives of different stripes. Eventually, I’ll be sharing more about that here, though I have posted some of my thoughts on my Facebook page. Give me a follow there, if you’d like.

Next week, I’m looking forward to a bit more peace and calm. To recouping my energy. To being at home with my husband and my cat, and to getting back to work, however slowly.

Tan splotches, with text "it's been a WEEK"
Happy April!

Happy April!

Energy is everything

Energy is everything