It's almost spring

It's almost spring

It’s March, and here in New Jersey it is only part lion, though perhaps not yet a lamb.

The equinox is still a couple weeks away, and it is not yet spring, but it is almost-spring, when rain sprinkles down on muddy fields and piles of remaining snow, and trees begin to get fat buds out on their branches.

It's almost spring!.png

The daffodils are not yet in bloom here in southern New Jersey, though we see their greenery peeking out during neighborhood walks. They are, however, available in abundance at the grocery store, and have brought quite a bit of cheer into our dining room.

If you aren’t feeling spring-y yet, that’s okay

It being March, we are all experiencing a rather grim anniversary together. One year since the pandemic exploded in ways that changed our lives dramatically over the past year.

If you are hitting the pandemic wall again, please know that you aren’t alone.

Even as we see the hopeful signs of spring, and the hopes of a return to “normal” thanks to science and the vaccine, we know it’s not just around the corner. The daffodils will not bloom tomorrow, as surely as the need for masks and social distancing will not disappear this month.

Making plans for the things we hope to do “later this year, or maybe next year” isn’t the same as being able to do them NOW. And knowing that things are improving doesn’t make them better right away.

The best we can do is to give ourselves time and space to mourn the things we have lost, whether it is people, time with friends and loved ones, travel, our favorite restaurant or shop . . . Some things will return, and some will be gone or changed forever.

There is value in allowing yourself to feel your feelings. In moving through the emotions we feel, whatever they may be, so that they don’t get stuck inside and drag us down.

If you want to clear out the energy in your space, I hope you you will grab my Energy Clearing Booklet.

If you are tired of the stale energy inside your living or working space, then this is for you! It helps you sweep out any stagnant energetic dust-bunnies and improve the vibe of your space.

The cure for anything is salt water

The cure for anything is salt water

In memoriam

In memoriam