I wrote about my disability

I wrote about my disability

It’s not something I often focus on, because dealing with two disabling autoimmune conditions feels like A LOT. Which means that most days, I don’t do it. But the lovely Gillian at Clarity Junction asked if I’d write about living with disability for her blog, so I did it.

I wrote about how it felt to adjust to changed circumstances. How I am constantly surprised when my autoimmune issues flare up and I find that I suddenly can’t do things, or require aids, such as my wrist braces, ankle braces, and cane (though I know I didn’t mention my walking stick/cane in the article).

Gillian gave the post its title: “Creating a Positive Life While Living With Disability”. Most days, I’d like to think that’s what I’ve done, so many thanks to her for that acknowledgment. And for having me as a guest blogger.

Here is an excerpt:

Coming to terms with having a life-changing disability turns out to be an ongoing process. Even now, 18 years into my RA diagnosis, I struggle to deal with it.

On good days, when my meds are working, the weather is fine and my pain is under control thanks to daily pain medication, I can almost forget that I have it.

Conversely, on bad days, when my pain refuses to quieten despite my pain meds, or when I have a flare, it is difficult to function at all thanks to fog-like fatigue.

The worst part of a flare turns out to be the fatigue, not the pain—even though the pain can sometimes be debilitating.

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Now available: Get both books for only $35!

But I don't wanna!

But I don't wanna!