I create time and space for my success.

I create time and space for my success.

Today’s post is about habits.

More specifically, about claiming or creating them for ourselves.

My workshop—Dream It, Do It—is coming up in about 2-1/2 weeks, and of course I have been excited about promoting it and sharing what it is and when it happens and how much it costs. (You can read more about it here.)

But it occurs to me that what I haven’t talked about is how it works. And I can’t give you testimonials from other people, because it’s my first time offering it.

I can, however, give you a testimonial as to how it worked for me.

Because I created this workshop by distilling what I’ve done, I can vouch that this works.

Toward the end of 2019, I spent some serious time in meditation, focusing on my dreams. What are those dreams? What does my future life look and (more importantly) feel like?

I kept getting a very clear image flash: I could see myself, happy and relaxed. I’m somewhere outside—someplace like a terrace or raised deck, which is interesting because we have a ranch house with a patio. I am with my husband, and my kids (who are both adults), and there was at least one partner and grandkid there. We are all relaxed and happy in this vision, and enjoying our time together.

Underlying this vision was the deep knowledge that I had brought this situation about through my business. More than that, I was aware that this feeling of joy and of ease was the result of consistent daily practices.

Those daily practices include meditation; journaling; reading, watching or listening to inspirational content; visualization; and incorporating my more “woo” practices such as spirit and energy work into my daily life through various means.

Friends, those daily practices I just listed off? They were not a part of my actual, lived experience. They were something I thought I “should” do, but never quite managed.

Yet in all my future visualizations, I was a person who did those things.

I could see the dream: happy, fulfilled life with my family.

And I could see that future me credited those things for her success.

It’s not even the first time I’ve gotten that message. I’ve received it before, as guidance from other people, and in prior years when I thought of my future.

I never bothered to make those things part of my daily life.

I would “try” one or more of them out here and there, and then give up on them.

This time, I used that vision—my dream—to create a roadmap to actually do it. For the past 4-5 weeks, I have managed to do a version of those things on a daily basis. It’s not always my “morning routine”, but is sometimes interspersed throughout the day.

Creating and maintaining these practices as new habits hasn’t been a miraculous success, but the fact is, I am creating those practices and, well, practicing them. And it is helping me to feel grounded and focused. On days when my inner critic gets loud and tells me that I shouldn’t bother doing something because I am no good at it, those practices help me to see that I obviously get past it, because in my dream, I can not only see but feel that I’ve done it and achieved success.

Knowing that to achieve that particular dream, I need to have these mental and energetic/spiritual practices in place, I set a goal for myself. It involves six possible tasks, from journaling to meditation to expanding my mind. I set up a tracker for myself, which I check daily.

And I created a mantra which doesn’t say a word about those things, but that reminds me of the feeling of them: I create time and space for my success.

Because I need to claim the time for those practices if I am going to achieve the life of my dreams. Knowing this has made it much easier for me to actually put those practices in place, and to keep seeing that dream ahead of me.

How this ties in to Dream It, Do It

At the Dream It, Do It workshop, we will begin with a guided visualization so that each participant can see and feel her own dreams. We will then do some guided journaling so that those dreams and the feeling of them is captured, so you can return to it again and again. We will set up and begin work on a vision board, which will be activated by our collective energy, and also using feng shui principles—because who doesn’t want to turbo charge their vision boards if they can?

Then we will set one or more goals that will help us to achieve our dream(s), and map out the first one to three steps toward reaching those goals. Those in the VIP program will then also receive three months of accountability coaching to help ensure that they start on the path they have mapped out for themselves, complete with weekly email check-ins and three 20-minute one-to-one coaching sessions with me to find out how it’s going and help you if you hit a rough patch.

All of the steps in the workshop are the same tools I used to create new practices for myself. Life-shifting daily practices that I know are going to lead me closer to the life of my dreams.

That can be your experience, too, whether your dream is of saving enough to buy a house; of creating the relationship(s) you have always wanted to have; of changing jobs to find something you love; of traveling to places you’ve always wanted to visit; or something else entirely.

I invite you to join me on the evening of February 5th or the afternoon of February 6th. I invite you to create time and space for your success.

I create time and space for my success.png
How do you most want to feel?

How do you most want to feel?

In times of turmoil and uncertainty, GROUND YOURSELF

In times of turmoil and uncertainty, GROUND YOURSELF