I am open to possibility.

I am open to possibility.

My affirmation for today is “I am open to possibility.”

I invite you to join me in this affirmation.

It’s about staying open to possibility, rather than closing yourself off. To saying yes to the idea of things being different, instead of remaining the same. Yes to opening doors, instead of slamming them shut.

It is as simple and as radical as that.

In other news . . .

You are invited to join me via Zoom next Tuesday, February 28th from 7-8:15 pm for GROUND & CENTER, a pay-what-you-want event.

We will be gathering together at 7 p.m. EST for a grounding and centering ritual, some guided meditation, and some guided journaling to help us claim (or re-claim) our goals and priorities for 2023. Join me to close out the month of February and get ready for the coming spring!

It will be recorded, so if you cannot make it, you will still have access to the space and the event.

Energy is everything

Energy is everything

In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.

In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.