Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Lunar New Year!

With the new moon, which arrived in Aquarius at 12:46 a.m. EST this morning, we reached the Lunar New Year!

This year is the Year of the Tiger in the 12-year Chinese horoscope, and is specifically the year of the Water Tiger, which is a bit less aggressive than some of the other aspects.

Here’s to a healthy and happy new year, regardless of which of the 12 zodiac animal signs you were born into. (I’m a Wood Dragon, as it turns out.)

A tiger is drawn in gold on a black background.

If you are ready for a re-boot following the Lunar New Year, you are invited to join me this Friday, February 4th, from 7-8:30 pm EST via Zoom for a vision board workshop. The workshop is pay-what-you-can, in order to make it as accessible as possible. It will be recorded for those of you who cannot make it in person and would like to sign up anyhow.

We will begin with a guided meditation to help you ground yourself in the moment, then travel forward in time to the end of this year to see what you have accomplished. When we return from our meditation together, you will have an opportunity to capture your thoughts and insights via some guided journaling, and then you will begin to create your new dream board, which will be a reminder to you of what your dreams and goals are.

Sound good? Sign up here!

A new moon means new goals

A new moon means new goals

When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

When nothing is sure, everything is possible.