Ever been so mad you can't speak without crying?

Ever been so mad you can't speak without crying?

I know I have.

In fact, I am so mad about two recent US Supreme Court opinions that I haven't been able to call my Representative and Senators yet. Because I know that even if I'm reading a script over the phone, I will lose my shit and cry.

Of course, if you're so mad that you cry, it turns out that crying makes you more angry, which makes you cry more, which makes you angrier . . .

If any of that sounds familiar to you, or if you're just pissed off af and unsure how to express it, here's my recommendations:

FIRST: Spend a bit of time with your feelings. Acknowledge them. Let them flow through you so they can be released and not stored in your body. This is especially true if the Dobbs decision reversing Roe v. Wade feels personal to you for any reason.

SECOND: If you feel like you have a lump the size of a golf ball in your throat, I'm here to tell you that your throat chakra is blocked. Which is suuuuper common for women in regular times, and these are not "regular times."

Here are some ways to unblock your throat chakra:

  1. Get a reiki treatment to help open your chakras. Expect that you might cry (or otherwise emote) during the session, but don't sweat it. Those of us who do reiki are used to that when blockages are opened.

  2. Yell. Seriously. Go outside and let it fly, or if that seems like a bad idea, put your face into a pillow and shriek it out. BONUS POINTS for screaming profanities, because it turns out that swearing is good for your physical and mental health. For one thing, it helps you to tolerate pain better. And it also opens up that throat chakra, which is usually blocked from not saying the things you want or mean to say.

  3. Take a salt bath, or get yourself into the ocean if you can. Salt is excellent for cleansing your body and your energy field, and it can help you release the things that no longer serve you. If you take a salt bath, stand up in the tub and allow it to drain while you are still standing there. Imagine all the bullshit leaving you and going down the drain.

  4. Consider working with crystals. The color blue is associated with the throat chakra, so consider the following stones as possible aids: Lapis lazuli, sodalite, blue apatite, blue kyanite (also good for boosting intuition), and even turquoise are excellent for opening the throat chakra.

  5. If you don't feel that you can safely express your thoughts and feelings at home, or in public, consider writing them down. You can write them in your journal, or you can simply write them on paper. Get it all out, even—or especially—if it's ugly. And then burn those pages to release the pent-up energy they contain and set your words free.

THIRD: There's no rush. If you are grieving for the state of our country, or because you or someone you love is impacted by the decision, it may take a while until you feel ready to take action. That's okay. Take time to process your feelings, and take exquisite care of yourself. There are plenty of battles ahead and many ways (some public, some private) to get involved. They will all still be there waiting for you when you are ready to get to work.

FINALLY: Please know you aren't alone, whatever your feelings might be right now. Maybe you are so mad you are ready to rage in the streets, maybe you are so sad you just want to eat Doritos in bed, maybe you are so scared you can't even figure out what to do next. Wherever you are emotionally, you are not alone.

I'm sending you so so much love.

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