Believe in your dreams

Believe in your dreams

What is holding you back from having the life and career of your dreams?

Is it not enough time? Not enough energy? You are too old to make a change? Too young to go for it?

Are you putting your dreams on hold because you’ve got kids? Or you have to take care of parents? Or both?

Or do you have other rationales for why you’ve never reached for what it is that you want?

All the answers to those questions? Those are excuses. And they all come from our inner critic who wants to keep us safe by keeping us small.

It tells us to stick to what we know.

Stick to our routines.

Don’t stick our necks out, don’t draw attention.

All of that is fear talking. Because when it comes down to it, even if we aren’t happy with our lot in life, we fear change.

Frankly, it makes sense to fear change. Change involves moving into the unknown, and there is comfort in knowing what to expect, even if we don’t necessarily like what it is.

The fear of change is what keeps us in jobs that are unmotivating or worse. It keeps us in loveless relationships. It keeps us repeating patterns of conduct and behavior that aren’t what we would like, but that are at least predictable, and that don’t make waves. It stops us from spreading our wings or trying new things.

I’ve been there, and it is fucking exhausting. You will know you are there too if the mere thought of going to wrk or having to deal with a boss or coworker saps your energy or fills you with dread. Or if you find yourself longing to try something different to the point that you almost mourn it not being your reality.

Please know that you can change it around.

One of the things that this pandemic has crystallized for me is that life is precious, and that none of us know how much time we have. What if we put things off for later, and later doesn’t come?


Make some waves.

Believe in your dreams enough that you believe you can find a way to achieve it. Maybe that dream is to get out of debt, or to save a million dollars. Maybe it’s to find a loving and supportive relationship. Maybe it is to launch your own business, start a side hustle, or change jobs. Maybe it’s to learn to ask for help, or to redefine your role in your family. Maybe it is to have the courage to pursue a hobby you have always wanted to try.

Whatever it is, believe that you can achieve it.

Once you believe that you can achieve it, your mind will start looking for ways to make it happen. Once you believe it, the possible negative consequences that come with your choice might not seem as big.

Every day is a chance for you to reclaim your life to make it what you want. Every day is a chance for you to choose yourself and your dreams.

If you dream of starting a business or side hustle, each day is an opportunity for you to take a step toward that goal, from planning to laying the groundwork to setting up and getting started. If you dream of learning something new—whether it’s knitting or a sport or a language or a new job skill—each day is a chance for you to research where to find lessons, to spend time learning on line or using a book, and to practice what you are learning. If you dream of getting out of debt or increasing your savings, each day is an opportunity for you to earn and save so that you end up on stronger financial footing.

To achieve it, first you have to believe it.

To achieve it first you have to believe it.png

If you are ready to make a change and are looking for support or coaching, please get in touch. I’d be happy to offer your a free 30-minute discovery call—you can schedule one here on my site.

When you focus on what you want, it will come into your life.

When you focus on what you want, it will come into your life.

Now available: Get both books for only $35!

Now available: Get both books for only $35!