All is Calm

All is Calm

I know, it’s November.

It’s almost the holiday season, with Thanksgiving just next week.

If you are anything like the wonderful women who joined me last week for a free workshop, you are somewhere between a little burned out and completely fried.

And that’s before you get ready to do ALL THE THINGS.

Shopping, cleaning, cooking, baking, wrapping, gift-giving, mediating family disputes, keeping the peace, keeping others entertained, and so much more.

What is ALL IS CALM?

It is a holiday program that begins next Monday, November 21st. It is about uncovering your desires and sizes for this holiday season, setting intentions, simplifying where you can, opting out where you want to, and opting IN to the things that delight you or bring you comfort and joy.

The program has four weeks of content. You can start as soon as Monday, November 21st, but the workshops will be available to you (once they are recorded) throughout the holiday season, so that you can revisit them when you like. There will also be two additional live Zoom calls on November 28th and December 14th.

All the information and details can be found on the ALL IS CALM page. And you can sign up today for $97.

Do you have time for a coffee break?

Do you have time for a coffee break?

We are all Coraline.

We are all Coraline.