Aligned Alchemy is here! Learn to manifest your dreams.
It’s time to stop sleeping on your dreams.
Whatever those dreams are—a new house or some home improvements; a new job or better pay; a new partner or an improved relationship; the pursuit of a new hobby or skill; getting rid of negative self-talk or patriarchal conditioning—ALIGNED ALCHEMY is the way to claim your dreams and make them real.
This isn’t a “wish hard and good things will come your way” sort of program. It’s not about thinking only happy thoughts or gaslighting yourself into believing that things are fine, just fine just the way they are.
This is a one-on-one coaching experience to help you pull yourself together: to pull together your thoughts, feelings, actions, and physical resources so that all of your energies are working together toward a common goal.
You know how you always sabotage yourself?
Okay, let me rephrase: you know that you always sabotage yourself, but you can’t quite figure out how not to?
You talk yourself out of a decision you’ve made to do something that you want to do. You beat yourself up for not following through on your own good ideas. You get so stuck in analysis paralysis that you can’t take action. You avoid using your physical resources in ways that would feel good to you.
For example:
You want to plan a trip, but almost as soon as you think of it, you start second-guessing yourself about everything. Maybe you’ve thought you’d like to do something as simple as staying at a nearby hotel so you can get away from home and spend an entire day by the pool. “It’s too expensive,” you insist, even though you could afford it. “It’s a foolish idea. What will people say?”
That idea you had to gift yourself two nights away and a full day at the pool doesn’t happen, so instead you stay home and sulk. You deprive yourself of joy, and instead insist on living a smaller life than you want, for no reason other than it was too hard to pick a date or place, or you worried too much that your mother would tell you it was silly, or your co-worker might think you were putting on airs, or _____ (fill in the blank with your own nonsense here).
Why can’t you manifest the trip of your dreams?
Well, your thoughts aren’t aligned. The part of you that wants the dream trip won’t even allow you to take a small trip or day off without berating yourself. Your inner critic is so loud you can’t focus on the positive thoughts about the trip.
Your emotions aren’t aligned. You are so wracked with worry about everything—getting it “right”, the cost, what others might think—that you end up in a funk, or angry, or both.
Your actions aren’t aligned. Instead of making sure that you are taking action toward your goal, you are spinning in place, or taking actions in a bunch of different directions, and some of those include away from where you want to go.
Your physical resources aren’t aligned. You aren’t packing, you aren’t committing to using some money to take your trip, you aren’t even making plans.
What it comes down to is this: You aren’t fully in alignment and ready to receive that thing you want.
In the Aligned Alchemy coaching package, you and I will work together one-on-one to help you get out of your own way and to begin to manifest your dreams.
We will start by identifying what your current dreams are. You will then work with the four metaphysical elements—air, water, fire, and earth—to
release your resistance,
get out of your own way,
amp up your energetic vibration, and
take aligned action toward your dreams.
You will align yourself with your goals on a soul level, so that manifesting your goals feels easy. When you work with me in the Aligned Alchemy coaching program, your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings align with your actions and resistance fades away.
This one-on-one coaching experience is a six-session investment of your time.
Expect to spend one hour roughly each week working together with me in combined energy to make vibrational choices that are aligned with your desires, plus at least an hour per week on your own putting things into practice.
Are you ready to align your energy so you can manifest your dreams?
Remember: EVERYTHING is energy. Motions and emotions, thoughts and beliefs, even money and our physical bodies are energy.
Aligned Alchemy uses the four metaphysical elements—air for thoughts & beliefs, water for emotions, fire for actions, and earth for material resources—to make sure your energy is all moving in one direction.
For example: If you say you want $100,000 in your business, but you don’t actually believe it’s possible, and you aren’t willing to take actions such as marketing, sales, and/or publicity in order to help attract business, you are not in alignment. If you don’t believe you are worthy of earning $100K, why should anyone else believe it? If you don’t let customers know what you offer, how will they know to find you?
Another example: If you say you want to attract a loving partner, but you hold a belief that you don’t deserve love, or that all the “good ones” are taken, you have an inherent conflict that will prevent you from manifesting what you want. Similarly, if you want a new partner, but you aren’t going anywhere new, aren't using a dating app, or otherwise taking action to be available, you are not in alignment. If you doubt your own enoughness or doubt that you are worthy of love, or if you aren’t willing to take action, how will your partner find you? They are unlikely to just turn up at your door out of the blue!
A final example: If you want to set boundaries with those around you—loved ones, coworkers, etc.—but you believe that you must do things for others before doing anything for yourself, you are sending a mixed message to the Universe. If you believe you must put yourself last, you will continue to attract more of “being last.”
The financial investment for this six-session one-on-one coaching program is $1497. However, I’m offering the first three spots at $997, so if you’re interested, get in touch with me today!
Book a free discovery call with me to discuss whether this program is right for you.
Air, Water, Fire, and Earth
Each of the four elements has correspondences, and each of those correspondences is related to something we will due during the coaching process.
Air represents thoughts, beliefs, and ideas—getting your brain on board and getting rid of limiting beliefs is a key starting point of manifesting.
Water represents emotions and feelings—which is why we make sure you aren’t feeling conflicted or in a way that opposes your goal .
Fire represents actions and creativity—taking aligned action that helps you move in the direction of your goal is a key step in manifesting that is often overlooked.
Earth corresponds to health, wealth and physical resources—again, an overlooked part of most manifesting practices; we help you make sure that all parts of you are aligned and moving toward your goal.
Ready to start?
Are you ready to stop getting in your own way? To stop feeling frustrated because things never seem to happen for you?
Are you ready to get aligned with the energy of your goal in a way that allows you to manifest it with ease?
If so, set up a free half-hour discovery call with me to make sure we are a good fit to embark on this work together. Then get ready to harness the energy of the four elements so you can manifest your dreams and goals!
Work with me one-on-one
I’m an intuitive energy worker, reiki practitioner, life coach and consultant. I incorporate a lot of “woo” practices in my life, but I am also incredibly practical. Which means that you can expect down-to-earth guidance that is in tune with your energy and that your spirit guides can sign on to.
Set up a free discovery call with me to make sure we are a good fit by clicking the button below!