The Declutter Course


Registration is now open!

Your clutter is literally weighing you down mind, body and soul. 

It’s time to lighten your load and feel peace with your surroundings again. 

And when I say literally, I mean it: Clutter in your home contributes to stress, anxiety, depression, and even weight gain. Spaces that are visually cluttered contribute to tension and escalated cortisol levels in your body, but even “hidden” clutter is an issue, because it weighs on your mind . . . and that causes conditions such as anxiety, depression, and stress levels to rise, which can both trigger stress eating and cause your body to retain more weight.

The physical weight of the clutter pulls the energy inside the house down, making everything feel heavier. That energy pulls at you, as well, weighing down your body and your mood.

When we’re walking around with all of that extra real and psychic weight, and there’s nowhere you can fully feel peaceful and calm, it’s REALLY hard (i.e. totally impossible!) to focus on what brings you joy and satisfaction in your life. 

Clutter is the millstone that is keeping you stuck, preventing you from doing the things you’re longing to do, and causing your to put your life on hold. 

But it’s okay—no matter how daunting it feels, no matter how long you’ve been procrastinating, and no matter how big that pile of “stuff” has gotten, I can help. 

Hey there, girlfriend! Does any of this sound familiar?

Got a house full of stuff that you’ve been meaning to go through, but just can’t seem to get started?

  • Maybe you are preparing to downsize, and need to whittle down what you have.

  • Maybe life got complicated and it’s been years, or even decades, since you did a major clear-out.

  • Maybe you know you have to help empty a parent’s or loved one’s home because they can’t stay there any longer, and you’d like a plan of attack.

  • Maybe you just don’t want to leave all your accumulated stuff for your kids to deal with after you’re gone.

Whatever your reason for wanting to tackle decluttering, it can be so overwhelming and stressful that you just can’t go it alone.

Friend, I have been there.

Five years ago I had to declutter a three bedroom, 2-1/2 bath house with a full basement, garage, and attic in order to downsize and move in with my sweetheart (who had a fully furnished three bedroom, 2 bath house of his own). I learned a lot along the way, including that it is super important to work through your feelings and beliefs, not just your belongings.

It can feel like it’s all too much to deal with. It can seem insurmountable. Too many items. Too many decisions.

If you find yourself at this point, I’m here to assure you that it truly IS impossible to tackle the variety of items in your house in a clear way without a workable strategy. Fortunately for you, I have got this figured out.

I created The Declutter Course, a 12-week group coaching package, to share with you a workable decluttering process and provide support as you go, complete with a private Facebook group for participants and weekly live coaching calls with me inside the group to tackle issues and questions.

Before and during the decluttering process, you will answer questions for yourself in a journal that is just for you. It will help you to process your feelings, which are inherently tied up with your stuff.

Why? Well . . . I hate to break it to you, but every item in your home that is now clutter was once something you brought into your home because it was something you wanted. You aspired to dress a certain way, or you used to be a particular size, but you’ve moved on. Or you enjoyed a particular style of decorating or household item, but now you’re over it. Even papers that you downloaded off the internet or recipes or articles that you’ve been saving were things you printed or clipped because you aspired to do something with them.

Only now, all that stuff that you once wanted isn’t what you want now, or it doesn’t reflect who you are now, or whom you are becoming.

This course is a robust offering, y’all.

  • Weekly email assignments full of how-to’s when dealing with categories of clutter.

  • A plan to start small and roll our progress forward, complete with building blocks like how to tackle one drawer, one shelf, one cupboard, one closet…

  • Journaling exercises throughout the experience, as we explore how you feel—at the start and throughout the experience—how you *want* to feel, and how you can let go of negative feelings and support yourself throughout the process. 

  • A private Facebook group for you to share your progress, ask questions, and get support from me and the others in the program.

  • Weekly live coaching “calls” using Facebook live so that you can ask any questions you have and work through any issues you might be facing.

There is a Facebook group just for course participants, along with weekly Facebook lives inside the group to provide additional coaching support. There’s also an extended coaching option available for those who want it in the option below, which runs for six months.

I hope you will join me—and let your friends and family who want to declutter know so they can join too!

What the Declutter Course Is

The Declutter Course is a six-week group coaching course that will teach you step-by-step methods to decrease and eliminate the clutter that is bringing you down mentally, emotionally, and physically.

It will free up space for positive energy to circulate in your life. The Declutter Course will not just allow new things to come into your life; it will also get you in touch with who you are once you are freed of so many energetic attachments to your past.

The Declutter Course will consist of six weekly email assignments that start small with clearing clutter, and build momentum each week. Our first week is about setting expectations and finding a spot of calm in our rooms. The second week, we focus on clearing one shelf or drawer, then move to one cupboard, one closet, then to one entire room.

In addition to emails, The Declutter Course will include a private Facebook group for additional support, plus weekly live group support calls during the challenge. $1697 USD

Registration for the next session of The Declutter Course is open. The course will start on March 21, 2021.


The Declutter Course PLUS

registration is Open!

All of the benefits of The Declutter Course, but in addition to the six weeks of group coaching, you also get six months of one-on-one personal coaching starting from the launch date of March 21, 2021.

Coaching will include 6 one-one-one calls of 30 minutes each, plus email support, along with other valuable tools.

After you complete a client intake questionnaire, we will schedule your first coaching call. During the first call, we will plan a course of action tailored just for you. The remainder of the coaching calls will be 30 minutes each, and will take place roughly every two weeks.

You can expect additional assignments and support throughout the six-month period.

This course is for women who are ready to declutter their STUFF, both physical and otherwise, and want support and guidance as they figure out a new path for themselves. $2297 USD

Registration is now open for the next session, which will begin on Sunday, March 21, 2021.