When inspiration outweighs exhaustion

When inspiration outweighs exhaustion

Last Friday, I flew to San Diego to attend the Finish Strong even run by master life coach Susan Hyatt. On Sunday night, I left San Diego, and arrived home around 6:30 yesterday morning. Add in the three-hour time difference, and the fact that I can’t sleep on a plane, plus a weekend full of activities, and that’s the “exhaustion” in the post title explained.

But the inspiration, folks. Oh, the inspiration!

Friday night was a party aboard a yacht. It was a boat full of women, all there to kick off the Finish Strong event, which is all about mapping a course for success for the remainder of 2019. Susan had arranged for a female impersonator to greet us as we boarded the yacht, which was both hilarious and amazing. There was an open bar and dancing, along with lots of networking and sharing, and some truly inspiring stories from women sharing their goals and vulnerability.

Saturday and Sunday morning were large group sessions at Luce Loft in San Diego, led by Susan. There was a mix of her speaking, us answering questions and journaling, and people sharing their responses, plans, and concerns with one another and with the group. It was 100% supportive and motivating, and Susan and her team did an amazing job organizing and managing everything.

I stayed for the Sunday afternoon session, which included presentations from several of the women who work with Susan on her team, discussing things like marketing, advertising, branding, and more. Getting those insights was totally worth the extra price of the VIP ticket. Throughout it all, Susan set a wonderful example of how to be a supportive coach while also being able to kick clients in the backside when necessary.

I am sharing some of this because of course I will be pulling some of the things I learned into my own coaching practice, all to benefit YOU! One of the most important lessons is of course to be entirely yourself, which—I’ll be honest here—I struggle with a bit. It feels so much safer to be less personal and more instructive, but that’s not helping you get to know me, and it’s also not allowing me to be as helpful to you as I truly can be.

This is me publicly letting you know that I AM HERE FOR YOU, and that I have the skills and desire to work with you to help you achieve what it is that you want out of life. My goal is to assist women who are in midlife transitions, like becoming adjusting to a major health change, becoming an empty nester, changing careers or relationships, and downsizing/relocating.

And baby, I’ve been through it all: disabled due to rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, two kids who went off to college and never moved back home (one in Charleston, one in the U.S. Peace Corps in Lesotho), stopped working as an attorney due to disability, became a writer, moved into the art world, two divorces and a super happy third marriage, plus my husband Morris and I decluttered two households full of stuff to downsize and combine into one space. So when I say that I understand what you’re going through, you can believe it!

Which reminds me:

SIGN UP WITH YOUR EMAIL to get the Future You Visualization that I created just for you.

What if you could spend 20 minutes or so envisioning yourself and your home five years from now? What if your future self can offer you guidance just by appearing in your mind’s eye? What if you envision changes in your appearance, dress, or attitude? Or changes in where you live or how you decorate?

Can you achieve the changes you envision that call to you? HELL YEAH, you can!

Download the journaling pages, get quiet and listen to the guided visualization, then spend whatever time you need to complete the journaling pages. It is a great way to identify the life of your dreams, and start to figure out how to make it real.

If you need help creating or holding that vision for yourself, that is literally one of the things I help with as a life coach. Similarly, if you have the vision but need help figuring out the path to get there, I GOT YOU!

Please do yourself a favor and do the Future You guided visualization. Get it right here:

Vacations are so good for you

Vacations are so good for you

Everything is Figureoutable

Everything is Figureoutable