"Once in a blue moon" is almost here

"Once in a blue moon" is almost here

Tomorrow, at 9:36 pm EDT, is the official time of the full super blue moon. That’s right: it’s a full moon, and it’s a super moon (because of proximity to the earth), and it’s a blue moon (because it’s the second full moon in the same calendar month).

It’s going to be a Full Super Blue Moon in Pisces, which is a pretty emotional astrological sign. It’s the first full moon in Pisces since Saturn went retrograde in Pisces earlier this year. Why is that important to know? Well, it’s likely that stuff will come up around getting things off your chest—maybe dropping some truth bombs, or maybe finally seeing reality with clarity and facing up to hard facts.

And frankly, with Pisces being such an emotional sign, there could be a lot of weepiness or sadness that comes up for you as you make like Elsa and let things go.

Here are some journaling prompts for tomorrow’s full super moon in Pisces:

  • How have I changed in the last six months?

  • What are three high points over the last six months? What are three low points over the past six months?

  • What am I ready to release or let go of?

Pisces is a water sign, so water-based rituals can be good at this time. For instance, putting out a container of water under the full moon to charge (which will be difficult for the many people facing hurricanes just now). Or taking a salt bath to cleanse yourself and your energy field (aura).

Speaking of cleansing energy fields, it’s also a great time to clear the energy in your space. You can get my energy clearing guide here for free.

Have questions about working with energy? Let me know, and I’ll email you back! Would you like a 1:1 session to learn how to clear your energy, protect your personal energy, and use energy practices to better your life? Sign up for 1:1 session here.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Back it up.

Back it up.