I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.

I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.

I know I say it every year, but Fall is my favorite and my best. And October is peak fall, don’t you think?

As I write this, I’m sitting in a Hampton Inn in Triadelphia, West Virginia, overlooking a restaurant called (I kid you not) “Quaker Steak and Lube” and a humongous strip mall. But past the Best Buy and the Target sign, there is a hillside covered with trees that have begun to change into their fancy fall colors and I AM HERE FOR IT.

I am ready for pretty leaves and falling leaves and fat squirrels and crisp air. Truly, to quote Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, “I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” Heck, I even made a piece of art with that quote on it for my art business!

Why was I in West Virginia, you may wonder? Well . . . I was on my way home to New Jersey from Evansville, Ohio, where my business coach, Susan Hyatt, hosted her annual FINISH STRONG conference. The idea is that with one quarter of the year to go, there is plenty of time to set goals and reach them. To make things happen, rather than pushing them off until next year.

And when I tell you that this event was fire, I mean it.

I mean . . .

The entire conference got me fired up and ready to help as many of you as possible before the end of the year.

Whether it’s continuing to provide you with blog content, writing for other sites (such as this piece I recently did for Tiny Buddha), sending weekly newsletters and more to subscribers, or coaching, I want to finish this year strong.

As you probably know if you’ve been around here for a while, I am both as energetically woo as it gets, and also super practical. I don’t have time for bullshit advice or hand-waving sorts of energy practices that don’t actually HELP with anything. All of my coaching involves equal parts energy or spirit work along with proven life-coaching tools and techniques.

What you won’t find: Clinical approaches. Rigid adherence to a single methodology for tackling every thing in life. One-size-fits-all coaching.

What you WILL find: Understanding and sincerity. A belief that you have the answers you need locked inside you—and I have a rather handy set of lock picks (including life coaching tools and energetic practices and techniques) to help you get to that info.

I invite you to work with me.

There are Dream It, Do It workshops scheduled for October 16th from 1-4 p.m. EDT and November 20th from 1-4 p.m. EST. These three hour workshops include a time traveling meditation in which you bring back guidance from your future self that will help you figure out how to achieve your dreams, make a vision board that is supercharged with energetic layers and practices, and then map out the first few steps and mile markers for yourself. It has been life-altering for past participants, and you can read some of their testimonials on the sales page.

There is also my one-on-one coaching program, Aligned Alchemy, which blends life coaching and energy work to help you get rid of your doubt, negative self-talk, procrastination, and more. Working with the four metaphysical elements of air, water, fire, and earth, you will help to align all of your own energies in a way that allows you to make easy progress toward your dreams and goals.

Aligned Alchemy is for you if you are tired of things not manifesting in the way you want—or not manifesting at all. Ready to shake things up by getting out of your own way and shifting your energetic vibration so that things become easier for you? If so, book a consult call with me—it’s a free 20 minute Zoom call, there’s no obligation for you to sign up for coaching with me, and it allows both of us to be sure that Aligned Alchemy is the right coaching product for you. Sound good? Message me here and I’ll be in touch!

Ready to set your excuses on fire and step into the future of your own design?

Let’s connect, and then let’s set some shit on fire.

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. Come work with me to help set fire to your excuses!
Keep Calm and Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On

Feeling tired? That tiredness you feel might be anxiety.

Feeling tired? That tiredness you feel might be anxiety.